Saturday, June 9, 2018

"Ten Things I Learned From Bill Porter" By Shelly Brady book review

        I was browsing the book section at one of the many local thrift shops I frequent, and found a book titled "Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter" by Shelly Brady.  For some reason I was drawn to the book, like a moth to a glowing candle.  I paid $2.50 for the book, which I thought was a bit overpriced for the book being in a thrift shop. When I got home, I immediately began to read, and found it to have a compelling introduction that really sparked interest.  Needless to say I had gotten lucky and found a great read.
      "Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter" is an inspirational biography that talks about the door to door salesman life of Mr. Porter and how he copes with cerebral palsy. The author does a good job presenting the challenges and odds stacked against Mr. Porter and how he overcomes each one. Overall the book is interesting and inspiring and I recommend it to anyone looking for motivation or a "feel good" kind of book. I rate this book at 4 out of 5.

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